Jared Leto joins Blade Runner sequel – and we’re not angry about it

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Jared Leto has gotten his share of bad publicity in the past year: stories from the set of Suicide Squad about his method shenanigans, plus the mixed reception of his take on the character of the Joker in the eventually released cut of the movie, plus the negativity toward his opinion that he was ‘tricked‘ into doing Suicide Squad in the first place. And now it’s been announced that Leto has been cast in Denis Villeneuve’s upcoming Blade Runner sequel. Andrew Kosove and Broderick Johnson, co-founders of the film’s production company, Alcon Entertainment, said this in a statement:

‘We are thrilled that Jared has agreed to play a key role in the Blade Runner sequel… He is a phenomenal actor, and we know he will create a truly memorable, never before seen character.’

Obviously, this early in the game, we know nothing about what his role will involve – although it’s probably not a long shot to assume he’ll be playing a replicant. His unnaturally good bone structure and glassy eyes certainly makes perfect sense for an android – but will he know he’s an android? Forgetting the bad taste of the Suicide Squad furor, we think Leto has always given good performances, and sometimes great performances – and he’s chosen his parts (mostly) well so far in his career. Why would the as-yet-untitled Blade Runner sequel be any different?

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The film, directed by Denis Villeneuve (Prisoners, Enemy, Sicario, Arrival) and starring Ryan Gosling and Harrison Ford, is set to be released October 6, 2017.

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