Twin Peaks Season 3 pushed back to 2017

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Bad news, lovers of damn fine coffee: the hotly anticipated third season of Twin Peaks has been delayed from next year to 2017.

According to Variety, Les Moonves – the president and CEO of CBS – announced in a third-quarter earnings conference that the Twin Peaks revival will now air some time in 2017. Showtime, owned by CBS, will be exclusively showing the new series, directed entirely by original helmer David Lynch, and this delay shouldn’t be an indication of any problems: the third season is clearly over the hump now, with Lynch returning to direct after he apparently dropped out, and with returning talent like Kyle MacLachlan – and newcomers like Amanda Seyfried and Peter Sarsgaard – it’s clear they have big things planned for a third outing of Twin Peaks.

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Are you annoyed about the extra wait? Or are you pleased that the new series has some more time to ensure its quality? Let us know in the comments below.

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