Movie News Editor's Picks tagged Drama and Fantasy

  • Charmed fans campaign for a movie with original cast

    Fans of the fantasy US-hit show Charmed are petitioning for a movie and it’s gathering pace.

    Fans of the fantasy US-hit show Charmed are petitioning for a movie and it’s gathering pace.
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Movie News tagged Drama and Fantasy

  • Stranger Things: Season 2 reviews are in

    Stranger Things was one of Netflix’s breakout hits last year. Does the second season suffer from the sophomore slump, though?

    Stranger Things was one of Netflix’s breakout hits last year. Does the second season suffer from the sophomore slump, though?
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  • We're getting another Tolkien movie

    After The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, you wouldn’t think there would be much left to do with J. R. R. Tolkien. The fantasy author’s days on the silver screen aren’t over yet, however.

    After The Lord of the Rings and Hobbit trilogies, you wouldn’t think there would be much left to do with J. R. R. Tolkien. The fantasy author’s days on the silver screen aren’t over yet, however.
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  • J.J. Abrams to adapt Your Name

    If Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, and Dragonball Evolution have taught us anything, it’s that Hollywood should probably lay off the live-action remakes of classic anime. Since Hollywood never learns its lesson, though, it looks like we’re getting a live-action interpretation of Your Name from J.J. Abrams.

    If Death Note, Ghost in the Shell, and Dragonball Evolution have taught us anything, it’s that Hollywood should probably lay off the live-action remakes of classic anime. Since Hollywood never learns its lesson, though, it looks like we’re getting a live-action interpretation of Your Name from J.J. Abrams.
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  • Game of Thrones announce the directors for the final season

    With Game of Thrones, unfortunately, coming to an end next year, with it’s 8th and final season, the list of directors to work on the season is a big deal.

    With Game of Thrones, unfortunately, coming to an end next year, with it’s 8th and final season, the list of directors to work on the season is a big deal.
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