Channing Tatum Steps Up to join the Ghostbusters Universe

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Proton Packs at the ready: Sony are set to launch a Ghostbusters Cinematic Universe and have lined up Channing Tatum to star in a new film.

Guided by original director Ivan Reitman and Dan Ackroyd, who played Ray Stanz in the 1984 movie, a team known as Ghost Corps will oversee the series.

According to the report on Deadline, the first film will be a male-driven story to sit alongside the already-in-production female led Ghostbusters production being directed by Bridemaids‘ Paul Feig. That version will start filming soon and stars Kirsten Wiig and Melissa McCarthy with a summer 2016 release date.

The plan is to develop the concept beyond these two films, with Television shows also in the pipeline.

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Things are moving quickly, with Joe and Anthony Russo being linked to directing duties – hot off inking a new deal with the studio following success with Captain America: The Winter Soldier at rivals Disney. Another Marvel veteran, Drew Pearce, will tackle the script, having previously written Iron Man 3 and the upcoming Mission Impossible 5.

Finally we come to Channing Tatum, whose production team will also oversee the movie. The studio favourite is being lined up to star having headlined 21 Jump Street and its sequel. That series is also set to continue, crossing-over into the Men in Black Universe.

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About Cassam Looch

Cassam Looch has been watching films ever since his first trip to the cinema to catch Care Bears: The Movie and writing about them after a traumatic incident involving Moonwalker. If he's not hassling celebrities on the red carpet, he'll usually be found in the darkened screening rooms of Soho.

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