Star Wars 9 Director Colin Trevorrow comments on petition to bring back George Lucas

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Despite Star Wars: The Force Awakens‘ phenomenal performance at the box office and overwhelmingly positive reception from critics, some fans have expressed their disappointment with the new chapter, going so far as to start a petition to replace 2019’s Episode IX director, Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World). The petition calls for Trevorrow to be replaced with none other than original creator, George Lucas, and as of now, has over 20,000 signatures.

Trevorrow commented on the petition in an interview with Entertainment Tonight, expressing his respect for Lucas, and his fear of not living up to Star Wars‘ original, groundbreaking creativity.

“It’s funny, I saw that, and it was on a day where I was at LucasFilm giving this big speech to everyone about how we want to channel the invention and just the raw creativity and the boldness that George brought to these films and not being afraid that we’re going to embarrass ourselves by doing something that might be crazy.”

Obviously a huge fan, Trevorrow did not offer angry comments and kept with his glowing commentary on Lucas’ work, reminding audiences that even back in the 70s, many people thought Lucas was crazy for making a film like Star Wars — a story about magic, spaceships and robots. It’s clear Trevorrow is ready to exceed expectations and make fans proud:

“But it’s the greatest story ever told. I just want to embrace that kind of invention and creativity that he brought to it.”

Star Wars Episode IX will release in 2019.

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