Movie Reviews tagged Crime, Drama and World

  • Dheepan - Review

    The graceful fade-to-blacks that punctuate Dheepan, Jacques Audiard’s latest ball-busting, gritty drama, hint at the shadowy underside to its already blackened landscape. Whatever form the darkness takes next is typically a grim mockery of…

    The graceful fade-to-blacks that punctuate Dheepan, Jacques Audiard’s latest ball-busting, gritty drama, hint at the shadowy underside to its already blackened landscape. Whatever form the darkness takes next is typically a grim mockery of something innocent; light-up bunny ears (2 euro!) dissolve into focus from the murk, even though the scene just before has depicted nothing less than a country ripped apart by genocide. While Dheepan isn’t perfect, it does form a strong emotional…
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