Movie Reviews tagged Comedy, Drama and World

  • Rams - Review

    Iceland is a deep well for art. Music and cinema has enjoyed growing naturally there, happily removed from (most) of the pulls of regular Western sensibilities, a country whose expansive national imagination comes from an open heart and a sturdy soul.

    Iceland is a deep well for art. Music and cinema has enjoyed growing naturally there, happily removed from (most) of the pulls of regular Western sensibilities, a country whose expansive national imagination comes from an open heart and a sturdy soul.
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  • Life of Riley - Review

    91. That was the age at which Alain Resnais finally, and probably reluctantly, kissed this world goodbye and sailed onward into the great unknown, his fingers surrendering their grip on the camera lens after 68 years in the business of making…

    91. That was the age at which Alain Resnais finally, and probably reluctantly, kissed this world goodbye and sailed onward into the great unknown, his fingers surrendering their grip on the camera lens after 68 years in the business of making movies. The French director was clearly in it for all the right reasons, a master at throwing life on the big screen in ways we’d never before imagined. His penultimate work, You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet, released near the end of his life, actually felt
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