Movie Reviews tagged Action, Crime and Drama

  • The Batman Review

    Matt Reeves finds the middle ground between Burton’s otherworldliness and Nolan’s sophistication, but The Batman never feels like a retread.

    Matt Reeves finds the middle ground between Burton’s otherworldliness and Nolan’s sophistication, but The Batman never feels like a retread.
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  • Once Upon a Time in Hollywood Review

    Even with all the celebrity cameos and Manson family members, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood never forgets that it’s a buddy picture.

    Even with all the celebrity cameos and Manson family members, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood never forgets that it’s a buddy picture.
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  • Ghost in the Shell Review

    Ghost in the Shell is a remake that understands the themes and world of its source material, getting more right than wrong.

    Ghost in the Shell is a remake that understands the themes and world of its source material, getting more right than wrong.
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  • Trespass Against Us Review

    When leaving the two lead roles in the hands of actors of the calibre of Fassbender and Gleeson, it works not only as a stamp of quality on proceedings, but adds such a degree of nuance and subtlety, which enriches the layered dynamic between the two characters.

    When leaving the two lead roles in the hands of actors of the calibre of Fassbender and Gleeson, it works not only as a stamp of quality on proceedings, but adds such a degree of nuance and subtlety, which enriches the layered dynamic between the two characters.
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