Movies like Mcfarland Usa

Articles relating to movies like Mcfarland Usa. These are articles about movies which have been tagged with the genres 'Drama, Sport and Family', but excluding posts on Mcfarland Usa. Click here for articles specifically about Mcfarland Usa »

Trailers Relating to Movies Like Mcfarland Usa

  • The Phenom - Trailer

    First trailer swings in for The Phenom. The film follows a Major League rookie pitcher who loses control over his pitching and is sent down to the minor leagues, where he begins sessions with an unorthodox sports psychologist. In the process, hidden conflicts with his overbearing father are brought to light.

    First trailer swings in for The Phenom. The film follows a Major League rookie pitcher who loses control over his pitching and is sent down to the minor leagues, where he begins sessions with an unorthodox sports psychologist. In the process, hidden conflicts with his overbearing father are brought to light.
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