Michael Shannon on Zod’s Batman v Superman role

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As you’ll probably already have sussed out, General Zod – Superman’s arch-nemesis from Man of Steel – is making a comeback of sorts in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice: in the trailer, we briefly see the Kryptonian commander in a body bag. Clearly, the villain is still dead – but according to Shannon, he may be a corpse, but he can still have a few lines. Speaking to Cinema Blend, he revealed:

‘Yeah, I say some stuff… But not a whole lot! I mean, I am dead. I’m just like a ghost. It’s kind of like Russell Crowe in the first one. Jor-El. For some reason, these Kryptonian spirits, they linger. Even once you crack my neck, you can’t shut me up.’

So what role can we expect Zod to play in Batman v Superman? Some kind of figure that haunts Henry Cavill’s Superman, we expect: imagine him as the devil on Kal-El’s left shoulder, and Crowe on his right. It would make for an interesting inner struggle, no? All while he has a certain caped crusader to contend with.

Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice is released March 25, 2016.

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