John Wick sequel confirmed

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Keanu Reeves is set to reprise his role as hired-gun-turned-puppy-owner in a sequel to this year’s surprise box-office smash John Wick.

It’s been rumoured for a while, with the relatively small budget proving hugely profitable for studio Lionsgate. Strong ticket sales have been boosted by positive word of mouth, the combination of black humour and stylised violence playing to its leading man’s strengths.

At the UK premiere, Reeves said that he would be keen to return for more although that it depended on how the film did commercially. He also confirmed ongoing talks for the third Bill and Ted film, so a timescale for either sequel seems a while off being announced.

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Lionsgate also confirmed co-directors David Leitch and Chad Stahelski will return as will screenwriter Derek Kolstad.

No official word yet on the puppy though.

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About Cassam Looch

Cassam Looch has been watching films ever since his first trip to the cinema to catch Care Bears: The Movie and writing about them after a traumatic incident involving Moonwalker. If he's not hassling celebrities on the red carpet, he'll usually be found in the darkened screening rooms of Soho.

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