JJ Abrams gives ‘thank you’ note to crew as Star Wars Episode VII wraps

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That’s quite nice of him, isn’t it? Director of next year’s feverishly anticipated Star Wars: Episode VII, JJ Abrams, has left a loving note – along with his producers – to his crew as primary shooting finishes up. You can see that image below, and read a transcription of it just underneath:


The transcription:

‘To the Extraordinary Cast and Crew of Episode VII:

It is a true honor and absolute joy to come to set every day and work alongside each of you. Your professionalism, passion and patience is more deeply appreciated than we could ever express. From the deserts of Abu Dhabi, to the Forest of Dean, to the stages of Pinewood, you have risen to every challenge and been as wonderfully kind as you are brilliantly talented. Our ambition here is large, of course, and it must be: we are here to make a film that entertains millions of people, of all ages, for generations. To create an experience people will cherish watching as much as we will cherish having made it, together. How lovely it would be if you had, in addition to your name on the screen, some actual real tangible proof that you were part of it! Here, then, is that proof. Wear it well, wear it healthily, wear it proudly. But, mostly, thank you.

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With Love,

JJ Abrams, Kathleen Kennedy, Bryan Burke’

There seems to have been a good atmosphere on set, as this note hopefully indicates; let’s hope they keep the positivity up throughout post-production.

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