The Peanuts Movie may be a one picture deal

In this day and age, pretty much every hit animated movie merits a sequel or two…or three. While The Peanuts Movie has been a big box office and critical success, a follow-up may not be in the cards.

The Wrap reports that 20th Century Fox only had the rights to produce one movie with the Peanuts gang. Jean Schulz, Charles M. Schulz’s window, isn’t eager to sign off on a sequel, although she did note that her late husband would have been proud of the film. “This one took eight years, so maybe we’ll talk again then,” she said.

As much as we loved The Peanuts Movie (read our review here), it may be best if the film remained a standalone classic as apposed to going the Shrek or Ice Age routes. Still, a spiritual successor to Snoopy Come Home or Race For Your Life, Charlie Brown sounds tempting. Seeing how the Peanuts are timeless characters, we can wait eight years if need be. After all, we’ve waited even longer for Finding Dory.