Spider-Man rumoured to appear in Avengers: Infinity War – Part I

UPDATE: Sony has officially denied that any plans are in place. Never say never though…

There is a rumour circulating that Spider-Man might be set to appear in Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War – Part I. The story comes via Latino Review, which has a knack for getting superhero movie scoops, but we’re classing this as a mere rumour at this stage, what with all of the leaks about the subject which came from the recent Sony Pictures hack. However the third instalment of The Amazing Spider-Man series is expected to hit theatres in the same year – 2018 – that the first part of the Infinity War is scheduled to release, lending further weight to the rumour. Stay tuned to Flickreel for further news on the Avengers: Infinity War – Part I and all things Spider-Man.