Jameson First Shot 2016 winners encourage filmmakers to embrace Sine Metu and live without fear

When you’re working in a creative field, nothing is more challenging than simply getting your foot in the door. Ever since 2012, the Jameson First Shot filmmaking competition has shined the spotlight on emerging writers and directors, offering them a golden opportunity. Through the support of Jameson Irish Whiskey, Kevin Spacey, Dana Brunetti and Trigger Street Productions, this contest annually selects three original scripts that’ll be made into short films. The 2016 winners are the US’s Cameron Thrower, the UK’s Kat Wood, and Australia’s Jason Perini. These three gifted filmmakers not only got to produce and film their scripts, but Oscar-nominee Maggie Gyllenhaal was their leading lady. The following video shows this year’s winners reacting to the big news:

The theme of Jameson First Shot’s fifth year is “Sine Metu”, meaning “Without Fear”. The Jameson family has taken this moto to heart since 1780. It’s a motto that every filmmaker should live by too. After all, the road to success is littered with rejection and failure, often feeling like an uphill battle that never ends. If you’re trying to make it big in the film industry, chances are you’ve second-guessed your career choice more than once. Every time an artist has these doubts, however, they can always look back on a pivotal moment that sent them on this path. The Jameson First Shot Program motivates filmmakers everywhere to remember these pivotal moments, encouraging them to keep moving forward.

Through a small community theater in his hometown of Summerville, South Carolina, US winner Cameron Thrower began to discover his passion for theatre, acting, and directing at age 9. Cameron reached a pivotal moment when he realized that directing could be a career, influencing him to study film and theater. In 2002, Cameron joined the AmeriCorps program in San Jose to help underprivileged youths. During his time with the program, Cameron heard numerous inspiring stories. This ultimately gave him the courage to move to Los Angeles and become a director. Based on his his short film, it would appear that Cameron is on his way to making his dream a reality:

Like Cameron, I also discovered my passion for filmmaking at a young age. Falling in love with the works of cinematic legends, I couldn’t imagine myself working in any other profession. Over the years, I dedicated countless hours to making home movies, writing screenplays, and acting in stage productions. After graduating from college with a BA in theater, I was eager to go out into the world and pursue a career in storytelling. My life took an unexpected turn, however, when I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Beating cancer would be one of the most daunting experiences of my life, but I refused to let fear get the best of me. Over the next several months, I endured intense chemotherapy. Throughout this strenuous period, though, I never stopped writing stories or following my passion. I’m happy to say that I’m currently cancer-free, although I’m still trying to make it in the film industry.

I recently completed a novel about the Spirit of Halloween, and am currently pursuing a literary agent to help get the book published. It would be a dream come true to be able to adapt my novel into a screenplay someday. Of course, many agents and publishers don’t accept unsolicited manuscripts. So just getting my foot in the door has been one of the biggest challenges. If having cancer has taught me anything, though, it’s that you just need to keep working towards your goals without fear. Jameson First Shot encompasses a similar life lesson.

The road to success is arduous and uncertain for filmmakers, but your first shot might just be waiting right around the corner. One day you could be struggling to pay your rent, the next you could be working with a Hollywood A-lister. Past Jameson First Shot winners have directed the likes of Kevin Spacey, Willem Dafoe, Uma Thurman, and Adrien Brody. Be sure to check out all of their winning videos right here. As for this year’s winners, you can view Cameron Thrower’s Beauty Mark, Kat Wood’s Home, and Jason Perini’s The New Empress on the Jameson Irish Whiskey YouTube Channel.

If you want to enter the competition next year, be sure to visit jamesonfirstshot.com. For all you know, this could be your first step towards getting your foot in the door.

This is a sponsored post in partnership with the Jameson First Shot filmmaking competition.

JAMESON® Irish Whiskey.  40% Alc./Vol. (80 Proof).  Product of Ireland.  ©2015 Imported by John Jameson Import Company, Purchase, NY