J.K. Rowling gets mixed up with her own dates

A rather amusing story in that J.K. Rowling has managed to get mixed up with her own Harry Potter dates when tweeting about that magical day, the 1st of September, which is when the characters from her stories famously return to classes at the Hogwarts academy. But not this one…

Yesterday, she posted (and then quickly deleted) the following tweet:

“If you’re at Kings Cross, the Potter, Granger-Weasley and Malfoy families are there too. Albus Severus starts school today #19YearsLater.” (via BBC).

Before realising that this event won’t actually occur until next year, upon the advice of some of her millions of fans:

We can forgive her though; after all, with so many different productions based on the Harry Potter franchise either already released or in the works, it must be hard to keep up with everything – even for her!